Privacy Policy

Feelings Fix – Data Protection & Privacy Policy

  1. Data Collection – This policy aims to clarify how Feelings Fix collects, safeguards, and utilises personal data, ensuring the fair and lawful acquisition of any personal information provided by its customers.

  2. Legal Basis for Data Processing – Feelings Fix processes personal data as necessary to provide services to its customers, which includes order processing, invoicing, and addressing customer inquiries.

  3. Types of Data Collected – Feelings Fix requires specific personal data to facilitate its services. The collected personal data typically includes names, contact information such as billing and postal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

  4. Third-Party Data –  Sharing Feelings Fix does not share customer information with any third parties except for Woocommerce which is used for purchases.

  5. Data Retention –  Feelings Fix retains customer details for the duration needed to fulfill their orders. In compliance with UK tax law, copies of invoices are kept for six years.

  6. Customer Rights –  Individuals in the European Economic Area have specific rights regarding their personal data held by Feelings Fix. These rights include the ability to:

    1. Confirm the existence of personal data held by Feelings Fix.
    2. Request the deletion or rectification of inaccurate personal data.
  7. Complaint Procedure –  Customers can raise complaints by contacting Feelings Fix via email.

  8. Direct Communication –  Feelings Fix may contact customers regarding important matters related to their orders.

  9. Personal Data –  Disclosure Feelings Fix will only disclose personal data when obligated to do so by law.

  10. Data Protection –  Measures Feelings Fix has implemented appropriate internal security procedures to restrict access to and disclosure of personal data.

  11. Cookies – This website does not store any information that could individually identify users without their consent. Any cookies used on this website are either session-based or for maintaining user preferences.